If you have too much debt. You can't pay them either because you lost your job, the interest is way too hi, you are being suit, your wages are being garnished, hospital bills are huge, you may be losing your home etc. A Bankruptcy Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 may be the right solution to start fresh debt free or reorganize a payment plan where you could save your home and oe save thousands in interest.
John Asuncion Independent Attorney has over 30 years of experience focusing in bankruptcy and immigration cases. After an evaluation of your case, he can tell you if you qualify for a chapter 7 or a chapter 13 of the Federal Bankruptcy Law. Giving you potentially a fresh start debt free.
Thousands of cases have been resolved successfully and millions of dollars have been legally discharged under the bankruptcy law.
Call Now for a free consultation at 1 (800) 385-9507 or in Spanish at 1 (800) 988-1030
Bankruptcy Chapter 7 or Chapter 13.
Schedule an appointment or call
1 800 385-9507
Bankruptcy Ch 7 or Ch 13
Services Offered
- Case evaluation by the attorney.
- Determine qualifications and assign proper chapter.
- Prepare Petition and Court Representation
- Chapter 7 Total or partial debt discharge.
- Stop wage garnishments and law suits.
- Chapter 13, debt restructuring, stop foreclosure, make payment plan.
- Stop creditors and collector's harassing phone calls.
- Obtain credit reports.
- Financial Management Course
- Obtain discharge letter from court after bankruptcy process is complete.
- Each case is different and must be analyzed by the attorney to determine qualification